
Venus Versa: Before & After

Using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Venus Versa is used to treat acne with virtually no pain and no downtime. The blue light kills acne-causing bacteria, while the red light reduces acne-related inflammation for faster healing.

Using IPL, Venus Versa is used to permanently reduce unwanted hair on the face and body. Treatments are comfortable with no downtime.

Using IPL, Venus Versa targets sun damage, skin discoloration, visible veins and blood vessels, and fine lines and wrinkles to improve overall skin tone. 

Venus Versa also delivers non-surgical, anti-aging treatments. It safely and comfortably heats the deeper layer of your skin to increase collagen production, which smoothens out fine lines and wrinkles and improves the look of sagging skin for a more youthful appearance with no pain or downtime. The technology used is safe for all skin tones, even darker complexions. 


Dr. Anna Cheng offers Venus Versa, the new advanced treatment for skin rejuvenation, hair removal, and facial & body skin tightening. Click below to learn more about Venus Vera and what Dr. Anna Cheng can do for you.