
PRF Facial Rejuvenation Specialist

Anna Cheng, MD

Medical Aesthetics Specialist located in 

Rowland Heights, CA

If your face is showing signs of aging with hollows under the eyes, sagging cheek, or droopy jaw line, the latest innovation in PRF anti-aging treatment offers an all-natural way to turn back the clock on your appearance. At her Rowland Heights, California, office, Dr. Anna Cheng provides platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) facial rejuvenation. PRF is a blood concentrate that contains white blood cells, platelets, growth factors, and stem cells that naturally encourage skin regeneration and reverse signs of aging. If you’d like to learn more, call or use the online scheduling tool today to set up a consultation.

PRF Facial Rejuvenation Q & A


What is PRF facial rejuvenation?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) facial rejuvenation involves extracting your blood and using it to produce PRF, a blood concentrate that contains white blood cells, platelets, growth factors, and stem cells to revitalize your skin. PRF is a good alternative to synthetic treatments such as hyaluronic acid fillers because it promotes skin renewal using your own cells.


How is PRF different from PRP?

Unlike platelet-rich plasma (PRP), PRF doesn’t require the use of additives like a blood thinner anticoagulant and is therefore 100% natural.  PRF extraction provides a platelet concentration that is ten times higher than with PRP.  The fibrin component of the PRF also provides a scaffold from which growth factors and stem cells are released for a longer period of time, leading to a better end result. 


How does PRF facial rejuvenation work?


Dr. Cheng offers PRF injections for facial sculpting purposes, as well as for facial rejuvenation when combined with microneedling. She works with you to outline a detailed treatment plan from the outset.

During the procedure, Dr. Cheng first extracts your blood and places it in a low-speed centrifuge. The machine uses a low-G force to spin your blood and eliminate red blood cells, leaving behind a high concentration of white blood cells, platelets, growth factors, and stem cells.  Dr. Cheng then numbs the treatment site, followed by either microneedling and administration of PRF topically, or with injections to desired areas.  This can be done as a same-day treatment and there is essentially no downtime. 


Am I a good candidate for PRF facial rejuvenation?

If you’re looking for an all natural process to address signs of aging, PRF facial rejuvenation might be right for you.

Many experts, including Dr. Cheng, believe it’s the way of the future and will soon replace PRP therapy as the stem cell anti-aging treatment of the future. During your consultation, she evaluates your overall health and assesses your condition to determine whether you’re a good candidate for PRF facial rejuvenation.

To learn more about this cutting-edge procedure, call or use the online scheduling tool today to set up a free consultation.