
Fat Transfer Specialist

Anna Cheng, MD

Medical Aesthetics Specialist located in 

Rowland Heights, CA

Your body’s own fat contains stem cells that promote healthy skin and even hair rejuvenation. At her Rowland Heights, California, office, Dr. Anna Cheng provides fat transfer procedures, using your own cells to promote more robust hair growth or add volume to and improve texture of your skin. To learn more about fat transfer, call or use the online scheduling tool today to set up a free consultation. 

Fat Transfer Q & A


What is a fat transfer procedure?

A fat transfer procedure involves extracting a small amount of fat from your body, purifying and filtering them, and then injecting to desired areas such as the face to add volume and improve skin texture, or to the scalp to promote hair regrowth. Fat is an excellent source of stem cells and growth factors that can provide natural, long lasting, and safe facial and hair rejuvenation results. Unlike dermal fillers, there is no risk of allergic reaction because this is “autologous”, your own tissue. 

A fat transfer procedure can be used to treat skin conditions such as: 

  • Wrinkles
  • Uneven texture
  • Tonal problems
  • Structural issues
  • Elasticity
  • Sun spots
  • Hair loss


At her Rowland Heights practice, Dr. Cheng offers the Autologous Lipocyte Micronized Injection (ALMI) fat transfer procedure

How does a fat transfer procedure work?

Dr. Cheng is a certified provider of the minimally invasive, all-natural ALMI treatment system. First, she numbs the harvesting area (usually the belly or the flank) with a local anesthetic so you don’t feel anything. Then, she extracts a small amount of fat (usually 20-60 mL) with a syringe and cannula. Subsequently, she purifies and filters the harvested fat through a proprietary process to the consistency of a dermal filler, which then can be injected into desired areas.

Injections to the face or other body parts such as the hands promote collagen growth and restore volume and smoothness. The targeted placement of stem cells and growth factors to your hair follicles help promote their regeneration, which translates into more robust growth. There is minimal downtime, and in all, the treatment session takes about 45 minutes to an hour.

Improvements are often seen immediately, but optimal results take time, usually a few months. Dr. Cheng will monitor your progress during follow-up visits and decide if you need any touch-ups. 

Am I a good candidate for a fat transfer procedure?

If you’re showing signs of aging or have experienced hair loss, an ALMI fat transfer procedure might be right for you. The ALMI technique can be used for all skin types. During your consultation, Dr. Cheng assesses your overall health and condition; then she determines as to whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. 

If you’re interested in learning more, call or use the online scheduling tool today to set up a free consultation.